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How To Use Every Last Fabric Scrap- A Handy List To Avoid Textile Waste

No matter how small your fabric scraps are there's always use for the leftovers. Here are some examples, some things we like to do with our fabric scraps.

(Click on the link for some how-to guides or just simply for inspiration.)

Applique Faces at Poplar Union
  1. To craft yourself some period pads

  2. To make makeup remover pads

  3. To craft into yarn/twine

  4. For weaving into works of art

  5. To wrap presents with

  6. To make into bias or ribbon

  7. Really really small scraps can be used to stuff dolls or cushions

  8. To fashion into small produce bags to take with you when you go shopping.

  9. For snack pouches

  10. Face masks

  11. To make beeswax wraps, even smaller ones for jar lids. (scraps must be 100% cotton for this craft)

  12. For Fabric mug coasters, beeswax coasters make perfect wipe clean coasters.

  13. For beautiful hair scrunchies

  14. For patchwork quilting

  15. For designing your own applique to jazz up old clothing, hang up in the hallway or mend holes in clothing

  16. To create small dolls or stuffed animals, baby toys or pet toys

  17. For homemade Christmas tree decorations

  18. A wreath for the front door ( join our workshop :) )

  19. Bunting

  20. Pouches for scented herbs, dried lavender and potpourri

  21. Pouches for soap scraps

  22. Reusable coffee and tea bags

  23. To make Reusable 'unsponges' for the kitchen

  24. To create fabulous fabric bookmarks

  25. To flaunt snazzy Sandcastle flags at the beach

This is not a finite list get creative and come up with your own, there are many more possibilities, what do you do with your scraps?

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