The rose hip is a pod filled with little seeds, found at the base of any rose flower, they grow after the petals have fallen post-summer in early to mid-autumn. All types of rose hips are eatable. The humble and foragable rose hips contain wound healing, immune boosting, and anti-inflammatory properties and are ripe for picking this month!

'Rose hips are high in antioxidants, particularly vitamin C. These compounds may offer various benefits for health.' - Healthline

For the skin
The combination of vitamin C and fatty acids replenishes and protects your skin, these properties are effective for healing wounds, cuts and grazes.
Follow this simple recipe by Liz Earle for making Rose hip infused oil from home.*
*It is always wise to do a patch test before putting anything on your skin, just in case.
Immunity boosting syrup
Vitamin C is a disease-fighting antioxidant, therefore rose hips are an excellent immunity booster for these winter months. Below are pictures of Maud's process for making rose hip syrup. Maud recommends keeping the syrup in the fridge and taking one teaspoon daily to give your immune system the helping hand it may need.
Have a look at this simple Rose hip syrup recipe by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.

'I have also made a slightly fermented Rose hip drink by mixing the saved pulp of the syrup with more water and adding a spoon of sauerkraut brine. I let it ferment overnight in a jar closed with a muslin cloth and then place in the fridge with a lid and slow fermented for 1 week, checking that the bubbles are not building up too much. It tastes great!' - Maud, co-director of Sunny Jar Eco Hub
General tips:
- If the rose hips are too hard, put in the freezer for 24hrs, then leave to defrost to simulate the first frost when they are at the sweetest and softest.
- Any rose hip recipe should be strained to get rid of the little hairs that protect the seeds, use a double layer of muslin to strain.
- Remember to leave plenty for the birds and insects when picking!
Happy Foraging!
Sunny Jar Team X